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How to Create a Blog with in 3 minutes using blogspot blogger without any coding knowledge

Tuesday, 22 December 2015 By Unknown
Hi Folks, this is my first post in this new blog. I was thinking so much when it comes to my first blog post.Finally,I decided to write my findings while creating my first blog.

Are you passionate about sharing the knowledge? Are you passionate about writing? If it is, I have a great idea for you, Create  your own blog.It doesn't require any coding skills all you need is passion. blogspot is a CMS(Content Management System),it manages your blog.Life is all about learning from mistakes.Let's dive into the original subject 'How to create a blog in blogspot'.

1.Be Ready with the stuff :

When you decided to start a blog it is appreciable no doubt in this. But this is not enough .You need knowledge about any particular topic on which you are going to write the blog.First of all sit and write it down the list of your thoughts about your new blog and sort them with best options.Yes buddy,Now your mind has a clear blueprint about your blog.

2.Creating Blog :

I know that you have a lot of excitement for your first blog.Just click the link it takes you to login page of Google account. Sign in with your gmail id if you don't have create one gmail account it takes few more minutes in this case. After Sign in ,you can see a blogger page to create  a new blog.


Now all is yours .Click on New Blog.It shows one new window. Blogspot is known for it's simplicity for first time bloggers. In  Create a new blog  window give your blog's title and blog domain name.


3.Title,Domain name and Template are more important to make your Blog attractive :

For me selecting title and domain name is brain storming works. Title must be representing your blog and domain name should me catchy , subjective as well. When it comes to SEO your domain name and title play major role. We will discuss about SEO in future as of now skip this topic.In blogspot your blog domain name  always comes with "" along with your blog name.For example my blog domain name is "".When you enter your blog name it will search and let you know whether this domain name is available or not in DNS. If your selected domain name is not available add some prefix or suffix to your blog name but spend some time on this.After you are done with domain name and title, select one of the templates and click on  Create blog.Bravo, your blog is ready now. Hmm...wait a while buddy, if you stop it here it is like a half girlfriend. We can customize the blog with various templates , layout settings and even we can change the html code of the blog to make it attractive. 

That's all about creating a blog in blogspot blogger. Yahoo,finally I am going to publish my first post in  my blog and waiting for your's. All the best friends, keep on blogging.Let's meet with another post very soon.

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